Doxy Must® Tablets
Anti- Biotic Tablet
Each tablet contains
Doxycycline Hyclate (100mg / 300 mg )
- Tick borne rickettsial diseases (CanineMonocyticEthrlichiosis, etc)
- Mixed upper respiratory tract infection (kennel cough)
- Leptospirosis
- Toxoplasmosis
- As pre-treatment to pathogenic microfilarial infection (dirofilaria immitis) in order to eliminate the symbiotic bacteria wolbachia
Dosage & Administration
E.Canis infection
- 5mg/kg bw every 12 hrs or 10mg/kg bw every 24 hrs , for 2-3 weeks
Other susceptible infections
- 5-10mg/kg bw daily for up to 5 days
DoxyMust® should be administered after food.
- Do not administer in pets with dysphagia
- Avoid administration with antacids & dairy based products
- Do not use in pregnant bitches (last 3 weeks of pregnancy) and in puppies (first month)
Available at
100mg / 200mg – 10 Tablets
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